Category Archives: chocolate

Thanksgiving: too much food style

So Thanksgiving was just a small family thing, so over course I cooked for like 20. Here’s a list of what I made, with just links to food I made without changing the recipe. Continue reading

Homemade honeycomb candy

So England is not often known as the land of yummy food, but they do have some tasty tasty candy.  One of the things I found there are these delicious things:


And, as of yet, I have not been able to convince any UK friends to send me large quantities of them.  However, I have finally found a work around to that: Homemade honeycomb candy.  Oddly, this candy doesn’t involve any honey, but it is still quite tasty.

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Ok it’s been awhile, between the baby and work, everything just got crazy. But I want to start getting stuff back up here, so I’m going to begin with something short and simple. See nutella is yummy, so I bought some at Costco. So now I have a lot of nutella. One good thing about this, I also have a great and easy recipe for crepes! Now if only I could keep bananas in the house with two kids…

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Dark chocolate tart/pie with gingersnap crust

Sofor Thanksgiving this year my mom put me in charge of desserts.  However, I was having lack of brain functioning issues, so I gave her choices and made her select and then made those.  In the end, she and my dad together requested a dark chocolate tart and key lime cheesecake.  While the cheesecake was tasty, it wasn’t any different tasting than key lime pie, and significantly more work, so I will stick to pie from here on out.  However, the chocolate tart?  That was fantastic!  Like a truffle with a hint of ginger in it.  Very rich and very yummy.  So that is what I shall share with you all, I recommend making it for Christmas and delighting your families!

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